Language Influence

The original language that the Israelites spoke was Hebrew. The Bible they used was the  Torah .This was a Hebrew translation of the first five book of Moses. It included the Ten Commandments. When they were exiled in to Egypt they continued to preserve this language.

During the time of Jesus, the Jews living around Rome had forgotten this Hebrew language. Most of those Jews spoke Aramaic an Afro-asiatic Language including Jesus. The Romans spoke Latin. However, Many Jews also could speak Koine Greek .The educated Romans also learned Greek. The Bible that Jesus used was the Greek Septuagint. (Old Testament)

The Greek Language was the primary reason the apostles were able to spread Christianity to the Gentiles . Living in this area required the ability to speak several languages. Jesus' primary language was Aramaic .He was also know to speak Greek and Latin. He could also read Hebrew scripture at 12 years of age similar to the well trained rabbis of his day. 


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