Early Morning Prayer

Early Morning Prayer
Why it is important to pray?

Berean Study Bible
Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and slipped out to a solitary place to pray.{Mark1:35}

Here in this picture you see a person sailing in a boat.

An open bible lays on his lap  smiling.

Set your Sails shows you the benefits of early mornig prayer.

Why it is important to pray?

When you start your day by prayingEarly Morning Prayer, you fill your mind with wisdom, peace, strength, revelation, joy and fellowship with your heavenly Father.



At the same time your moving out of your way adversity, strife, fears, temptations and depression. And what do you leave in your wake? Joy, peace, love, gentleness, and kindness. Just a few minutes in the morning with your heavenly Father can make all the difference in the world. He's waiting for you to talk to Him. He knows how busy you are, but can you at least say Hi.{Praying

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